首页> 中文期刊> 《自然杂志》 >面向气候变化的复杂地球系统建模与模拟探索(下)




There is an unwritten rule in science, indicates that physics is a concrete model and the primitive terms are objects and relations adapted from the real world. But, mathematics is an ideal model, that the primitive terms are objects and relations adapted from some other postulation development. Their characters are naturally different. As a result, physicists use observations, measurements, and experiments argue for these phenomena they found. While, mathematicians use deduction debate for their noumcnas,the former is physical description, and the latter is the fact of substance. Trivial, this two kind knowledge have themselves inherent incompletion, and there is inconsistency trouble with them at the very initial stage, which continuous unlimited among their descendant subjects. Thus, those unsolved problems arise. For this reason, in this article, we base on the truth and through geometric structure of time-space and nature laws in universe which they followed, let the physics and mathematics consistency, and then those unsolved problems can be accomplished. Further for that, revealed a way to the axiomatisation of physics, eliminate the profoundly disturbing crises wherein the foundation of mathematics.%科学界有一种不成文的法则:物理是具体模式,其原始术语摘自于真实世界的对象与关系.数学则是理想模式,其原始术语来自于对猜想的演绎.一般说来,物理学以观察、测量与实验为现象辩护.数学则是以推理演绎为物本身辩护.前者是对物理现象的诠释,后者是阐述事物隐含的本质.显而易见,这两种知识有本质上的差异,亦各有先天的盲点与缺陷.因此在入门的瞬间,彼此不一致的裂痕业已出现,并延续下来.这就是千百年来科学知识疑窦丛生的肇因.这篇论文秉持真理,根据宇宙时空结构转换所遵循的自然律为立足点,更为数学打开了通往物理公设化(axiomatisation)的门扉,进而令数学与物理学一致,以破解千百年来科学界“悬而未解”的种种问题,从根本上彻底消弭了自古以来令数学与物理陷于严重困扰的基础危机.



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