首页> 中文期刊>中华显微外科杂志 >兔耳复合组织移植动物模型的建立与观察



Objective To establish a stable experimental model of vascularized composite allograft (VCA),which would facilitate us to study of the reaction and intervening measure regarding rejection reaction in the future.Methods From September,2016 to July,2017,30 healthy male New Zealand rabbits,weighted 2.5-3.0 kg each,were chosen.Their ears should be intact without defect or necrosis.All of them were randomly and eaqually divided into 2 groups:transverse amputated group and V-shaped amputated group.In situ ear replantation after the amputation was performed.Histology analysis of skin and cartilage were done through HE and TUNEL staining,in order to compare vital rate of these ears.Results Thirty rabbits underwent ear replantation,including 13 via transverse incision and 17 via V-shaped incision.In transverse group,no ear survived,and some of them encountered vein crisis gradually after operation.The survival time ranged from 1 day to 10 days.There were 2 ears survived in V-shaped group.From HE staining,it was found certain vacuolar degenerated cells within skin and cartilage in failure ears.The rates of cell necrosis and apoptosis were higher than the survived ears.Conclusion Rabbit ear replantation model is viable.However,the rabbit ear replantation model is not suitable to be used in large samples.%目的 建立一个良好、稳定的带血运的复合组织移植动物模型以便后续研究,用于同种异体兔耳移植观察排斥反应及各种干预措施的疗效. 方法 自2016年9月至2017年7月,随机选取兔耳结构完整、体质量为2.5~3.0 kg的健康雄性新西兰大白兔30只,随机分为横行离断组和“V”形离断组,完全离断后原位再植,比较两组兔耳再植的成活率.横行离断组术后1~10 d、“V”形离断组术后10 d左右取兔耳皮肤和软骨组织行苏木素-伊红(HE)和TUNEL染色,根据细胞存活情况进一步判断兔耳成活情况. 结果 一共30只兔接受兔耳再植术.其中横行切口13只,血管吻合即时通畅率100%,但最后兔耳无一只再植成功,术后逐渐出现静脉危象,成活时间1~10 d.“V”形离断17只,有2只再植兔耳健康成活.HE染色可见再植失败兔耳皮肤、软骨细胞内出现有空泡变性,细胞坏死和凋亡率明显高于成活兔耳.结论 兔耳离断再植模型具有可实施性,但不适合用于大样本的兔耳复合组织移植动物模型的建立与观察.



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