首页> 中文期刊>中华医学教育杂志 >医学专业学位硕士研究生临床教育阶段仿真模拟教育机构的建立与效果评价



目的 探索医学专业学位硕士研究生临床教育阶段仿真模拟教育机构(institute for simulation and interprofessional studies,ISIS)的建立与效果评价.方法 针对西安交通大学医学院泌尿外科轮科培养的43名临床医学专业学位硕士研究生,依托ISIS,开设模拟训练课程,在常规培训基础上增加了为期20学时的仿真模拟课程教学.评价模拟操作教学效果和考核通过率,统计临床医学专业学位硕士研究生对课程的满意度.结果 43名研究生均能够在模拟设备上完成教学大纲要求的主要专业技能操作,基本技能考核通过率100.0%,高级技能考核通过率90.7%;100.0%的研究生赞同开设模拟训练课程;97.7%的研究生认同现有的ISIS教学模式;83.7%的研究生对模拟训练课程有极大兴趣.结论 建立ISIS、开设仿真模拟课程是一种有效的教学方式,能够显著提高临床医学专业学位硕士研究生的实践技能.%Objective To explore the effectiveness of the model of ISIS system and courses of simulation training.Methods From January 2015 to January 2017,there were 43 clinical medicine postgraduate students in urology department.Based on the ISIS system,a simulated training course is offered.Assess the effect and pass rate of clinical simulation operation.Count students' satisfaction with the course.Results 43 postgraduate students were able to complete the main professional operation required by the syllabus,the pass rate of basic skills assessment was 100.0%,and the advanced skills assessment was 90.7%,100.0% postgraduate students approve of the introduction of simulated training courses,97.7% postgraduate students agree with model of ISIS and benefit from it.83.7% have great interest in courses of simulation training.Conclusions System of ISIS and courses of simulation training were effective teaching model,can significantly improve the medical postgraduate in clinical practice skills of clinical education stage.



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