首页> 中文期刊>中国海商法研究 >海运承运人责任期间之研究——兼谈对《中华人民共和国海商法》相关规定的修改




承运人责任期间是国际海上货物运输中的基本问题,《中华人民共和国海商法》在借鉴有关国家公约的基础上对此做出规定,但由于其在“融合”有关国际公约内容时未能很好地注意到该内容与其他相关条文的协调与衔接,因此实践中也引起不同的理解和争论。在比较现行生效的三个国际海运公约相关条文的基础上,对有关责任期间、合同期间、运输期间、管货义务期间等概念以及有关学说进行比较分析和评价,并结合国际海运公约最新发展动态,对《中华人民共和国海商法》之相关条文进行剖析,并最终提出条文修改建议案。%The period of liability of carrier is the basic issue in international carriage of goods by sea. Maritime Code of the People's Republic of China also provides the period of liability of carrier on the reference of relative international conventions. However, the different opinions and comments have arisen on this special provision in legal practice because the language of this provision is not quite clear which neglects the coordination with other relative provisions in mixing different international conventions. This paper tries to analyze on this key point on the basis of provisions of current effective three international conventions, and also points out the relation between period of liability, period of contract, period of transportation as well as period of cargo custody. At last, this paper proposes some suggestions for amending Maritime Code of the People's Republic of China in consideration of the trend development of international transportation convention.



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