首页> 中文期刊> 《中国中医药图书情报杂志》 >地方志中中医药文献信息的价值及利用研究




Local chronicles are important literature recording abundant regional data, which contain a wealth of TCM document literature. Taking the local chronicles of Guizhou Province as an example, the research group compiled, analyzed and studied the local chronicles of TCM literature, and established the Database of TCM Literature of Local Chronicles of Guizhou Province. The results showed that the medical characters, medical works, medical activities and exchanges between China and foreign countries, medicine and other literature in different historical periods all contain much literature information requiring further research. Local chronicles in Guizhou Province are of great value and deserve fully excavation and development. This article discussed the contents, methods, approaches and far-reaching influence of TCM literature in local chronicles of Guizhou Province.%地方志是记载有丰富地区资料的重要文献,其中含有大量中医药文献资料。以贵州省地方志为例,对其中的中医药文献进行辑录、分析及整理研究,并在此基础上建立贵州地方志中医药文献数据库。通过对历史时期医学人物、医学著作、医事活动及中外交流、药物及其他文献等内容中蕴藏的大量文献信息进行研究,认为贵州地方志利用价值极大,应充分挖掘和开发。本文就贵州地方志可深入研究的内容、方法、途径及深远影响进行了探讨。



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