首页> 中文期刊> 《中国中西医结合急救杂志》 >安徽省铜陵地区重症农药中毒患者调查分析




ObjectiveTo analyze the related data of patients with severe pesticide poisoning in Tongling area, put forward the countermeasures,and provide available basis to improve the level of prevention and treatment of the disease.Methods Forty patients with severe pesticide poisoning admitted to the Department of Critical Care Medicine of Tongling People's Hospital Affiliated to Wannan Medical College from August 2014 to November 2015 were analyzed retrospectively, the clinical data including distributions of sex, ages, kinds of poisoning drugs, causes of poisoning, time from intoxication to admission into a hospital, rescue therapy, prognosis etc.Results In the 40 patients, there were 12 males and 28 females, the ratio between male to female was 1∶2.33, and the number of women was significantly higher than that of men. Their ages ranged from 40 - 60 years, accounting for 37.5% (15/40). The toxic agent the most commonly seen was organic phosphorus pesticide (15 cases, accounting for 37.5%), and cases with mixed poisoning by taking two or more than two kinds of toxic material accounted for 25.0% (10/40). In addition, the cause of poisoning was mainly due to family quarrels (33 cases, accounting for 82.5%). In regard of time between taking toxic material to admission into a hospital, only did 3 cases admit into the hospital within 1 hour (7.5%), and the majority was within 3 hours (15 cases, accounting for 37.5%). The comprehensive treatments were as follows: "clear" means to clear the toxin,"solution" (to use antidote to detoxify), "maintainance" (to maintain the basic vital signs) and "exclusion" (to exclude other complications early); the curative effect of comprehensive treatments was satisfied, and 3 cases died, accounding for 7.5%.Conclusions The majority of patients with severe pesticide poisoning in Tongling city are adult females, the main cause of taking toxic material is due to family quarrels, and the toxic agent the most commonly seen is organic phosphorus pesticide. Directing to the above high risk factors, the prevention and treatment are carried out, anticipating the incidence, mortality and medical cost can be reduced significantly.%目的:分析铜陵地区治疗重症农药中毒患者的相关资料,提出应对策略,为提高防范和救治水平提供依据。方法回顾性分析2014年8月至2015年11月皖南医学院附属铜陵市人民医院重症医学科收治的40例重症农药中毒患者的性别、年龄、中毒药物种类、中毒原因、中毒至入院时间、救治情况等及预后临床资料。结果40例患者中,男性12例,女性28例,男女比例1∶2.33,女性明显多于男性;年龄多在41~60岁,占37.5%(15/40);中毒药物种类以有机磷农药最多(15例,占37.5%),2种以上药物混合中毒约占25.0%(10/40),中毒原因以家庭争吵为主(33例,占82.5%);从中毒至入院1 h内占7.5%(3例),大多数在3 h内(15例,占37.5%)。治疗以“清(清除毒物)、解(应用解毒剂)、维(维持基本生命体征)、排(早期排除其他并发症的发生)”综合治疗,疗效满意;死亡3例,占7.5%。结论铜陵地区的重症农药中毒以成年女性为主,家庭争吵是中毒的最主要原因,农药种类以有机磷农药最多,针对以上高危因素进行防范和救治,期望可以降低中毒发生率和病死率,减少医疗费用。



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