首页> 中文期刊> 《中国中医药信息杂志》 >国家自然科学基金中医体质学研究立项情况分析




Objective To analyze scientific projects about TCM constitutions funded by National Natural Science Foundation (NSFC); To understand its development trend and current situation.Methods The scientific projects about TCM constitutions in the fields of H27 and H29 were retrieved in NSFC Network Information System during 1996-2016 and "Dingxiangtong" during 1985-2015. Project year, branch discipline, project category, relying-on units were analyzed. PICO model of evidence-based medicine to build clinical problems was applied to analyze project research objects, clinical or scientific issues, interventions, methods, effects indicators, and the role of links. Results There were totally 61 scientific projects and 26.38 millions yuan funded by NSFC in TCM constitutions during 1988-2016. Project and the amount of fund to overall were on the rise, especially since 2010. There were 48 projects about TCM science, 21.77 million yuan (82.5%), 13 projects about integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine, 4.61 million yuan (17.5%), including 27 surface projects, 11.32 million yuan (42.9%), 17 youth science fund, 3.32 million yuan (12.6%), 15 regional science fund projects, 6.34 million yuan (24.0%), and 2 key projects, 5.4 million yuan (20.5%). The units with the most foundation were Beijing University of Chinese Medicine (15), Xinjiang Medical University (6), Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (5). TCM constitution of zang-fu, qi and blood, and body fluid, clinical basis of integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine, and basic principles of integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine were the branches with the most foundation. Conclusion s Supported by NSFC, marked improvement and progress have been achieved in research on TCM constitutions.%目的 分析国家自然科学基金资助的中医体质学研究项目,了解其发展趋势及现况.方法 计算机检索国家自然科学基金委员会科学基金网络信息系统1996-2016年及"丁香通"1985-2015年国家自然科学基金资助的中医学(H27)和中西医结合(H29)领域的中医体质学研究项目,统计立项年份、分支学科、项目类别、依托单位等.采用循证医学构建临床问题的PICO模式,对项目研究对象、临床或科学问题、干预措施、方法、效应指标、作用环节等方面进行分析.结果 中医体质学研究获得国家自然科学基金资助从1988年开始,1988-2016年共计61项,总金额为2638万元,项目数量和资助金额总体呈上升趋势,2010年后增幅较明显.其中中医学类48项、2177万元(82.5%),中西医结合类13项、461万元(17.5%),包括面上项目27项、1132万元(42.9%),青年科学基金17项、332万元(12.6%),地区科学基金项目15项、634万元(24.0%)及重点项目2项、540万元(20.5%);获得资助较多的单位有北京中医药大学(15项)、新疆医科大学(6项)、上海中医药大学(5项);脏腑气血津液体质、中西医结合临床基础、中西医结合基础理论是立项项目最多的分支学科.结论 中医体质学研究在国家自然科学基金的资助下取得了长足的进展.



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