首页> 中文期刊> 《中国健康教育》 >在人禽流感疫情不同阶段社区居民的信息需求特征分析




目的 探讨社区居民对人禽流感疫情不同阶段的信息需求特征,为传染病突发事件中的风险沟通提供技术准备建议.方法 以虚拟流感暴发的3个不同阶段为案例,采用专题小组访谈法了解福建省2个地市5个社区和1家工厂共计67位社区居民的信息需求及其特征.结果 在疫情尚远、疫情邻近和身处疫情地3个不同阶段,社区居民对信息的需求有所不同.表现在对疾病的特征、防护措施、政府已采取的措施、病情发展变化,以及获取相关信息的需求逐渐增多,自我防护意识逐渐加强,信息的获取由被动转变为主动,获取信息的途径逐渐丰富,并由大众媒体转向社区渠道.结论 传染病突发公共卫生事件发生后,风险沟通工作需要考虑事件不同发展阶段大众的信息需求及其特征,及时通过合适的渠道提供针对性的可靠的相关信息.%Objective To study the demand for information during H1N1 pandemic influenza at different stages and to provide the preparation of risk communication techniques. Methods Informative demand of 67 interviewees from 2 cities, 5 communities and 1 factory in Fujian were surveyed by group interviews, in the case study of three different stages upon influenza outhreak. Results The information demand of community residents was different in three different stages:far from the epidemic area, near to the epidemic area and in the epidemic area. It manifested that information demand of the characteristics of the disease, protective measures, government' s measures, disease development and the other information was gradually increased. The self-protection awareness of the community residents was strengthening, and their demand was getting from passive to active, from media to community communication. Conclusion During the infectious outbreak, the communicators need to consider the different needs in different stages of the event, and provide reliable information to the targeted public timely through appropriate channels.



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