首页> 中文期刊> 《中华实验眼科杂志》 >重视和加强我国的眼科临床研究



多年来,虽然我国的临床病例资源明显多于国际上的先进国家,但由于我国对临床研究的重视程度和资金投入不足,我国的临床医学研究工作一直比较滞后,大大影响了我国临床规范化医疗的开展.近年来,随着我国政府对临床医学研究在医学科技创新中的作用认识的加深和对临床科研支持力度的加大,基于临床的研究将面临新的机遇.眼科医生既是疾病的诊治者,也是临床研究的实施者,应当注重在一线临床工作中发现临床问题,通过开展临床研究工作来更新和完善新的知识体系,指导和规范医疗行为,提高眼病诊疗水平,把握医学发展的客观趋势,开展高质量的临床试验研究.目前,要在眼科领域开展临床研究,我们还面临一些挑战,如临床研究项目立项困难、临床研究的伦理学审批困难、前瞻性研究方案设计需规范、多学科合作的研究方式有待加强等.希望有关管理部门和国内同道重视眼科的临床研究,期待更多有分量的临床研究结果展现在世人面前.%Although there are numerous case resource,there still exist a relatively long distance in clinical research in China in comparison with developing countries because of inadequate recognition and funding,which has greatly affected the development of standardization of clinical medical in China for the past few decades.With the deepening of recognition and increasing of special support to clinical medical research in China,the development based on clinic research will face new opportunities.As a result,it is necessary for ophthalmologists to explore clinical issues,leverage from the mega trend of clinical research and deliver high-quality results.To achieve this goal,ophthalmologists will have to constantly update their knowledge base,standardize clinical practice and improve diagnosis methods.So far,challenges persist in clinical research in ophthalmology as follows:It is difficult to get funding for clinical research project;It is difficult to get ethnics approval for clinical research project;The research design for forward-looking projects is yet to be standardized;Cross-disciplinary collaboration needs to be enhanced.This review was expected to inspire more attention from clinical research specialists and consequently more highquality clinical studies.



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