首页> 中文期刊> 《工程设计学报》 >可全程越障架空输电线巡线机器人设计




针对现有巡线机器人无法完全跨越所有地线障碍物的现状,提出一种新的巡线机器人越障方案。巡线机器人由单臂机构提供行走驱动力,双臂机构完成越障任务。该方案具有跨越所有障碍,且越障时动作简单,所需驱动力少的特点。通过理论分析及软件仿真的方法对巡线机器人越障关键环节进行分析,得到机器人越障过程的运动特性。在此基础上,制作出试验样机,并在模拟线路上进行越障实验,结果表明:该设计方案能完成预定的越障功能。证明了这种新的越障方案的有效性及可行性。%Aiming to the status quo that the inspection robot couldn’t surmount all kinds of obsta-cles in overhead ground wires,a kind of brand-new method for the inspection robot obstacle ne-gotiation was put forward.The inspection robot was driven by single arm and the mission of ob-stacle negotiation was accomplished by other two mechanical arms.This brand-new method could surmount all kinds of fittings with simple mechanical movements and less driving force.The key link of obstacle negotiation was calculated by theoretical analysis and simulation experiments which showed the motion characteristics of the robot during surmounting obstacles.On this base,an experimental prototype was came out to experiment on the high-voltage transmission lines in laboratory.The results show that the inspection robot can perform preplanned functions. The effectiveness and feasibility of the brand-new method are verified by surmounting obstacles test.



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