首页> 中文期刊> 《中华消化外科杂志》 >不普通的普通外科:普通外科向何处去



我在临床工作中经常碰到一些问题,有些问题似乎本不该发生的,但是却发生了.为什么会发生很值得我们思考.凡事有开始就会有结束,这是自然的规律.我作为普通外科医师做了几十年的临床工作.普通外科是怎么来的?普通外科会向何处去?这些问题一直让我深思.过去的大外科都是普通外科,希波克拉底就是普通外科医师.外科离不开器械,从最原始的手术器械进化到现代化的微创手术器械、机器人手术系统.普通外科从昨天走到今天,自然不一样了.随着信息科学的发展,我们今天的外科医师和过去的外科医师大不一样.%General surgery has been the clinical foundation for all of the branches of the surgical specialties.The scientific principles developed in general surgery have spread through the specialties as well.This is the basis for surgical mastery.The rapid development of information sciences brings great opportunities for further developments in general surgery.General surgeons will be challenged to learn how to incorporate these advances into their practice.Integrating other disciplines such as digital imaging will be required for general surgeons in the 21st century.General surgeons should not only understand the essence of traditional general surgery,but also be proficient in the usage of advanced diagnostic and therapeutic tools which will lead to promoting further developments in general surgery.



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