首页> 中文期刊> 《中国中西医结合皮肤性病学杂志》 >47例扁平疣的皮肤镜特征分析




目的 应用皮肤镜对扁平疣的图像特征进行归纳总结,为扁平疣的皮肤镜诊断总结相对明确的诊断特征.方法 对2014年9月-2015年3月来天津市中医药研究院附属医院门诊皮肤科就诊患者47例,217余处皮损进行皮肤镜检查,获得特征性图像资料.结果 扁平疣皮损图像显示为3种形态,即环状结构围绕着点状血管,颗粒状凸起内可见点状血管,及扁平均质样结构内散在分布点状血管.结论 皮肤镜有助于快速无创的诊断扁平疣.%Objective In order to generalize and summarize the image characteristics of flat warts with dermatoscope,and to sum up relatively definite diagnostic features for dermoscopic diagnosis of flat warts.Methods Dermoscopic examinations were conducted to over 217 skin lesions of 47 patients who received treatment in the dermatological department of Tianjin academy of traditional Chinese medicine affiliated hospital during the period from Sept.2014 to March 2015,and the characteristic images were obtained.Results As shown in the images,flat wart lesions displayed in three forms,including dotted vessels surrounded by ring structures,dotted vessels found in granular bulges and dotted vessels scattered in flat homogeneous structures.Conclusion The dermatoscopy helps to diagnose flat warts rapidly and noninvasively.



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