首页> 中文期刊>中国中医基础医学杂志 >胡荫奇治疗风湿性多肌痛经验




Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) belongs to the category of muscle bi-disease in traditional Chinese medicine.State famous TCM doctor professor HU Yin-qi thinks that the basic pathogenesis of PMR is kidney-spleen deficiency and damp-heat accumulation,as well as blood-stasis would be involved in the whole forming stage.The treatment should be based on heat-cleaning and dampness-eliminating method with the herb of nourishing spleen and resolving dampness in acute phase,and invigorating spleen-kidney,Qi,blood in remission,moreover method for blood-activating and stasis-dissolving should be used during the course of therapy.Besides,Prof.HU is good at combination with disease differentiation and herbs.He is skilled in using couplet herbal medicine which have the same efficacy as hormone by modern pharmacological studies that may achieve a better curative effect.%风湿性多肌痛属于中医“肌痹”范畴,国家名老中医胡荫奇教授认为其基本病机为脾肾亏虚为本、湿热内蕴为标,并认为血瘀贯穿肌痹整个发病过程.治疗上活动期清热除湿,多选健脾化湿之剂以达培土固本之效,缓解期补益脾肾、益气养血,使生化有源、分肉得养,并将活血通络贯穿治疗始终,且选用活血养血之品通补并用、化瘀扶正;同时善于辨证施治与辨病用药相结合,遣方用药擅长运用经现代药理研究具有类激素作用的中药药对治疗,疗效显著.



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