首页> 中文期刊>中国中医基础医学杂志 >肝郁化热证证候评价量表的研制




Objective:We hope to discuss how to develop the liver depression of the heat syndrome evaluation scale.Methods:Based on the systematic references review,we formed the item pool and then set up a framework of liver depression of the heat syndrome.We also did the research on 15 experts and 116 patients to get the information.Then 4 different kinds of methods of filtering the items were applied.They are experts' opinions method,discrimination method,correlation coefficient method and Cronbach's alpha coefficient method.After that,we confirmed the typical items by the way of factor analysis method to form the evaluation scale.Results:This scale is formed by 13 items and they are irritation,perturbed mood,irascible mood,symptoms change along with the mental state,bitter taste,red eyes,red cheek,distending pain in hypochondrium,dry mouth and throat,yellow urine,poor sleep,yellow tongue coating and stringy pulse.The split-half reliability is 0.643,criterion validity contrasted with doctors' judgment is 0.625,and the responsiveness is satisfactory.Conclusion:This scale we developed in this set of method has a relatively high reliability,validity and responsiveness and with a certain degree of operability,which can be used for clinical scientific research in traditional Chinese medicine field.%目的:研制肝郁化热证的证候评价量表.方法:系统检索肝郁化热证相关文献形成条目池,并建立肝郁化热证证候评价量表概念框架.采集15位专家问卷数据和116例患者临床信息数据,通过专家问卷法、区分度法、相关系数法和克朗巴赫系数法4种方法筛选条目,再使用因子分析法提取代表性条目,从而构成肝郁化热证证候评价量表.结果:评价量表由13个条目组成,分别是易怒、心烦、急躁、症状随情志变化、口苦、目赤、面红、胁胀痛、口咽干燥、尿黄、眠差、苔黄、脉弦.该量表的半分信度为0.643,以医生判断为对照的效标效度为0.625,反应度基本满意.结论:本研究所编制的证候评价量表具有较好的信度、效度和反应度,可作为疗效评价指标,应用于部分中医证候临床试验研究.



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