首页> 中文期刊>中国中医基础医学杂志 >“治未病”思想指导中年肝郁脾虚型亚健康状态的防治




阐述中年肝郁脾虚型亚健康状态的概念以及常见的一系列异常表现,分别从社会职业因素、饮食作息因素分析其亚健康状态的形成原因.并从中医理论“五行生克”的角度探讨中年肝郁脾虚型亚健康与“未病”二者之间的关系.提出需要在“治未病”思想的指导下保持乐观心态,慎起居调膳食,普及健康教育,调气机疏肝脾,旨在为中年肝郁脾虚型亚健康人群提供防治思路与措施.%The paper describes the concept of middle-aged liver stagnation and spleen deficiency type sub-health state and a series of common abnormalities.The causes of sub-health status are analyzed from the aspects of social factors and dietary factors.In addition,the relationship between the middle-aged liver and spleen deficiency sub-health and disease is discussed,according to the theory of "Five Elements".We need to maintain an optimistic attitude and develop good living habits,under the guidance of the thought of "Prevention of Disease".This paper aims to provide ideas and measures for the prevention and treatment of middle-aged liver and spleen deficiency sub-health population.



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