首页> 中文期刊> 《中国抗生素杂志》 >可利霉素发酵废渣培养白地霉的发酵过程参数研究和残抗分析




目的 研究可利霉素发酵废渣作为基质生产单细胞蛋白,实现可利霉素发酵废渣的资源化和无害化处理.方法 通过正交试验对培养基优化,通过发酵罐规模在线摄氧率(OUR)、二氧化碳释放率(CER)、呼吸商(RQ)和在线活细胞浓度(电容法)进行参数研究,HPLC对残留可利霉素含量分析.结果 在少量速效碳源(葡萄糖)、氮源(硫酸铵)启动下,可利霉素菌渣可以得到充分利用,而菌渣中残留可利霉素含量也显著降低,粗蛋白含量有所提高.正交优化培养基组成:菌渣浓度30.0g/L,葡萄糖浓度20.0g/L,硫酸铵浓度3.0g/L,尿素浓度3.0g/L.活细胞浓度(电容法)由8.2pF/cm提高到13.4pF/cm,粗蛋白含量由41.2%提高到50.3%,可利霉素残留降低73.3%.结论 可利霉素发酵废渣培养白地霉生产单细胞蛋白是可行的,本研究为可利霉素发酵废渣工业化发酵生产单细胞蛋白提供了依据.%Objective To develop a recycling technology of antibiotic fermentation residues. The single cell protein (SCP) was produced by Geotrichum candidum grown on carrimycin fermentation residues. Methods The nutrient medium components were optimized with the orthogonal design. The carrimycin fermentation residues containing a small amount of available carbon source (glucose) and nitrogen (ammonium sulfate) was used as the fermentation medium. The association analysis of fermentation process parameters of Geotrichum candidum was carried out based on the online oxygen uptake rate (OUR), carbon dioxide evolution rate(CER), respiratory quotient(RQ) and biomass concentration. The residual carrimycin was analysised by the HPLC method. Results The optimized medium composition was as follows: 30.0g/L carrimycin fermentation residues, 20.0g/L glucose, 3.0g/L (NH4)2SO4, 3.0g/L urea. The live cell amount (the capacitance method) was increased from 8.2pF/cm to 13.4pF/cm, the crude protein concentration was increased from 41.2% to 50.3%, the residual carrimycin was reduced by 73.3%. Conclusion The results suggested that single cell protein (SCP) production using carrimycin fermentation residues rnwas feasible. This work made a theoretical basis for the fermentation scaie-up process of SCP production by using carrimycin fermentation residue.



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