


Asthma is considered to be one of the most common chronic diseases among pregnant women, and uncontrolled asthma may adversely affect both maternal quality of life and perinatal outcomes.Therefore, optimal management of asthma during pregnancy is important for both mother and fetus.The safety of medications commonly used in the treatment of asthma during pregnancy was reviewed this article.It was shown that no increased perinatal risks, including preterm birth, low birth weight, and congenital malformations, associated with gestational use of inhaled corticosteroids by results of many studies.Although there have been controversies over the issues whether systemic corticosteroids or bronchodilators could cause adverse pregnancy outcomes, the possibility of confounding by severity of maternal asthma could not be ruled out.Therefore appropriate treatment still should be given to the pregnant asthmatic patients without delay when necessary.%哮喘是女性妊娠期最常见的慢性疾病之一,未控制的哮喘可以显著影响孕期女性的生活质量,引起不良妊娠结局.因此,对妊娠期哮喘予以适当的药物治疗,对保护母子健康非常重要.本文回顾性分析常用哮喘药物在妊娠期使用的安全性问题.大量文献表明,吸入糖皮质激素不会增加新生儿畸形的风险,也不会影响新生儿的体质量和孕周数.而全身糖皮质激素或支气管扩张剂对妊娠患者及其胎儿有无不良影响文献中尚存在分歧,部分研究发现的不良妊娠结局不除外是哮喘症状本身所致.因此,在患者病情需要时,仍然应当选择适宜的方案积极进行治疗.



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