首页> 中文期刊> 《中国美容医学》 >急性皮肤屏障损伤修复过程中各项生理物理参数的变化规律及LED红光对其干预作用的评价




目的:建立皮肤屏障急性损伤模型,通过皮肤无创检测技术了解皮肤屏障修复过程中各项生理物理参数动态变化过程,及各参数变化趋势的相关性;在建模的基础上评价LEDs光源窄谱非相干红光[波长(630±3)nm]的光生物调节对皮肤屏障修复的干预作用,为临床用红光辅助治疗皮肤屏障受损相关疾病提供参考。方法:用连续胶带粘贴法破坏皮肤屏障,在背部建立急性屏障损伤模型,建模前、建模后2min、建模后每隔24h检测经皮水分丢失(TEWL)、角质层含水量(CAP)、皮肤表面酸碱度(pH值)、黑素指数(MI)、红斑指数(EI)、皮脂表面含量(seb)。结果:建模后TEWL、CAP、pH值、EI均显著升高,MI、seb显著降低;修复过程中TEWL持续降低、CAP、seb先降后升,MI、EI均先升后降,pH值最先恢复;不同参数变化趋势在P<0.05或P<0.01的基础上存在或强或弱的相关性。(630±3)nm LED红光对TEWL、CAP、MI、EI等指标在皮肤屏障修复中晚期阶段有促进作用。结论:随着皮肤屏障的修复,各项生理物理参数呈现一定的变化规律,且参数之间有一定的依存关系。630nm红光能加快皮肤屏障的修复。%Objective Establish a model of acute barrier disruption,investigate the processes and dy⁃namic changes of skin biophysical parameters.To evaluate the interventional effect of LED red-light, narrow-spectrum(630±3)nm, on the skin barrier function restoration. Methods Repeated tape strip⁃ping with corneofix was applied on experiment sites,the measurement of TEWL,CAP,EI,MI,sebum con⁃tent(seb)was performed on the baseline and 2minutes after the model established,and then every 24h hours,by using non-invasive detection technology. Results TEWL,CAP,pH,EI rise sharply,while MI, seb falldown sharply when the model established.During the restoration,TEWL show a sustained down⁃ward trend before meet the baseline.CAP and seb first falldown then rise,while MI and EI show a cross⁃current trend.pH first regain the baseline.Relevance:According to the relevance analysis of these pa⁃rameters,there are positive or negative correlation between them,when significance level is below 0.05 or 0.01(P<0.05 or P<0.01).LEDs 630nm light can accelerate some key indicator of skin biophysical parometers to restore normal. Conclusion Biophysical parameters change regularly during skin barri⁃er restoration.The relevance among these parameters indicate that there exist interactions among them.The incoherent LED light with narrow spectrum,(630±3)nm,can accelerate the process of the re⁃pairment,which manifested in the middle-advanced stage.



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