首页> 中文期刊>体育科学 >跑台运动训练与按摩联合作用对大鼠骨骼肌急性损伤修复过程中炎症的发展及肌卫星细胞增殖的影响




Objective :To investigate the effect of the combination of treadmill exercise and mas‐sage on the inflammation NADH of the damage tissue and the expression of nNOS 、HGF mR‐NA in the satellite cell proliferation on the rehabilitation process of rats acute skeletal muscle injury so that to explore the role of massage on the rehabilitation to acute skeletal muscle . Methods :76 adult male SD rats were randomly divided into 5 groups :normal control (group A ,n= 4) ,self‐healing group (group B ,n= 20) ,control group of massage (group C ,n= 16) , control of treadmill exercise (group D ,n= 16) ,control of mixture(group E ,n= 16) .In group A ,nothing were done ;In group B ,C ,D and E ,rats were made to the model of rats with acute muscle injury by the improved traumatizing unit .Group B were not given the treatment ,mas‐sage were given to the group C ,E and treadmill exercise were given to the group D ,E after three days of the modeling .At 7 ,14 ,21 ,28days after the modeling ,animal gastrocnemius samples were token in group B ,C ,D and E respectively ,HE staining was employed to inspect pathological changes .the inflammation NADH was detected by the Western Blot ,Real‐time PCR was applied to detect the expression of nNOS ,HGF mRNA in muscle satellite cells .Re‐sults :After the combination interventionof massage and treadmill exercise ,the expression of NADH ,nNOS ,HGF mRNA was higher in group C ,D ,E than the group B ,and it has highly n significant differences ( P< 0 .01) .Compare to the group C and D ,the expression of NADH , nNOS ,HGF mRNA was more in the group E ,and it has highly significant differences ( P<0 . 01) .Compare to the group C ,the expression of nNOS ,HGF mRNA of in Group D was high‐er ,and it has significant differences ( P< 0 .05 ) .HE staining shows that myofilaments were disorder and ruptured ,inflammatory cells were infiltrated ,groud A was not .Compare to the group B ,group C ,D ,E has more blood supply ,more myofilaments ,more activated muscle sat‐ellite cells ,necrotic tissue was rehabilitated faster compare to group B .Conclusion :The combi‐nation of treadmill exercise can effectively improve the expression level of the NADH ,nNOS , HGF mRNA in the muscle satellite cells ,promote the inflammation to fade ,the proliferation of satellite cell ,provide the speed of the rehabilitation and regeneration in the damaged skeletal muscle .%目的:通过大鼠骨骼肌急性损伤模型,研究跑台运动训练与按摩联合作用对损伤组织炎症发展过程中 NADH还原酶,及肌卫星细胞增殖激活因子 nNOS、HGF mRNA 表达的影响,探讨跑台运动训练与按摩联合作用对骨骼肌急性损伤修复的作用机制。方法:选取76只SD雄性大鼠,随机分为5组,正常对照组(A组,n=4)、自然恢复组(B组,n=24)、按摩组(C组,n=16)、跑台组(D组,n=16) ,混合组(E组,n=16)。 A组不做任何处理,B、C、D、E组采用自制改良打击器制备大鼠右侧腓肠肌急性损伤模型。B组不给予任何干预,C组于造模后第3天介入按摩,D组于第3天介入跑台运动训练,E组于第3天介入按摩、跑台运动训练。B、C、D、E组分别于制模后7 d、14 d、21 d、28 d采取实验大鼠腓肠肌样本,以HE染色观察组织形态学变化,Western Blot 检测肌组织 NADH 还原酶蛋白量,实时荧光PCR检测肌卫星细胞中nNOS、HGF mRNA表达量。结果:肌运动跑台训练与按摩联合干预后,C、D、E组与B组比较,NADH表达量、nNOS与 HGF mRNA 表达量均高于B组,且具有显著性差异( P<0.01);E组与C、D组比较,NADH表达量、nNOS与 HGF mRNA 表达量均高于C、D组,且具有极显著差异( P<0.01);C组与D组比较,NADH表达量、nNOS与 HGF mRNA表达量低于D组,且具有显著差异( P<0.05)。 HE染色显示,B组与A组比较,B组肌节紊乱,肌纤维碎裂,炎症细胞浸润,A 组肌纤维结构完整,肌细胞排列规则,无炎症细胞。C、D、E组与B组比较,损伤部位血供更丰富,成肌细胞增殖明显,肌丝更多,恢复速度更快。结论:跑台运动训练与按摩联合治疗能明显提高骨骼肌急性损伤的组织中 NADH还原酶蛋白量,nNOS、HGF mRNA表达量,促进炎症的消退和肌卫星细胞的增殖,提高骨骼肌急性损伤修复的速度。



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