首页> 中文期刊>中国全科医学 >润肤消炎洗剂对特应性皮炎皮损定植金黄色葡萄球菌影响的体内外实验研究



Objective To research, by vitro and in vivo experiment, the impact of anti - inflammatory moisturizing lotion on staphylococcus aureus ( S.aureus ) of atopic dermatitis ( AD ).Methods Typical skin lesions of left ( or right ) upper ( or lower ) limbs were chosen as targets ( treatment group, washed by anti - inflammatory moisturizing lotion, 14 days ), contra-lateral lesions as control group ( given no treatment).After 14 days of treatment, S.aureus field planting density was compared between 2 groups.In vitro antibacterial activity of anti - inflammatory moisturizing lotion on standard S.aureus and methicillin resistant S.aureus ( MRSA ) was detected.Results S.aureus field planting density was significantly lower in treatment group [( 107 893 ± 260 049 ) CFU/cm2]than in control [( 343 321 ± 424 940 ) CFU/cm2]( P < 0.05 ).Anti - inflammatory moisturizing lotion ( concentration: 1 g/ml) was of antimicrobial effect on standard S.aureus and MRSA, and there was significant difference between groups treatment and control ( 2% sodium fusidate ) ( P <0.01 ).Conclusion Anti - inflammation and inhibition of S.aureus may be one of the main mechanisms of anti - inflammatory moisturizing lotion.%目的 通过体内外实验探讨润肤消炎洗剂对特应性皮炎(AD)皮损定植金黄色葡萄球菌(金葡菌)的影响.方法 选取23例AD患者,左侧(或右侧)上肢(或下肢)的典型皮损作为治疗组靶皮损,对侧相应皮损则作为对照组皮损.(1)治疗组靶皮损以润肤消炎洗剂外洗或湿敷,治疗14 d.对照组皮损不给予治疗.治疗14 d后比较两组皮损处金葡菌定植密度.(2)检测润肤消炎洗剂对标准金葡菌和耐甲氧西林金葡菌(MRSA)的体外抑菌活性.结果 (1)治疗后治疗组靶皮损的金葡菌定植密度[(107 893±260 049)CFU/cm2]显著低于对照组皮损[(343 321±424 940)CFU/cm2],差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).(2)润肤消炎洗剂(中药浓度1 g/ml)对标准金葡菌和MRSA均具有抑菌作用,与阳性对照组(2%夫西地酸钠)的抑菌作用比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01).结论 抗炎、抑制金葡菌可能是润肤消炎洗剂作用的主要机制之一.



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