首页> 中文期刊> 《中国全科医学》 >郑州市两种模式社区卫生服务机构居民满意度比较



Objective To compare the residentsˊ satisfaction with the doctors under or not under the " Community Doctors Responsibility System" and evaluate the implementation effect of this system. Methods 200 residents were selected by simple random sampling from the communities under the two different modes in Erqi district and Jinshui district,zheng zhou. They were investigated about the satisfaction on doctorsˊ attitudes,nursesˊ attitudes,medical equipments,cost level, convenience,service process,eXplanation and communication,treatment effect and health education. Results 190 question-naires were returned and the recovery rate was 95. 0% in the community " under the system",194 questionnaires were returned and the rate was 97. 0% in community not " under the system" . In general,the average score of the residentsˊ satisfaction for doctors " under the system" was 4. 36,higher than 4. 15,the average score not " under the system" . Beside the satisfaction score on medical equipments and treatment effect was higher not " under the system" but with little difference,others were all higher " under the system" . The differences between the two models were significant in terms of nursesˊ attitude,cost,conven-ience,service process and health education(P é 0. 05). Conclusion Overall,the " Community Doctors Responsibility Sys-tem" has achieved its eXpected effect. The residents are satisfied with this system,and it can offer people a better and convenient community health service. But there are still some shortcomings in medical equipment and treatment effect. The system is still need to be improved.%目的:了解郑州市社区卫生服务机构在“片医”和“非片医”两种不同模式下的居民就医满意度情况,评价社区“片医负责制”的实施效果。方法2012年9月-2013年6月,采用简单随机抽样法抽取郑州市二七区和金水区“片医”模式社区卫生服务机构和“非片医”模式社区卫生服务机构各200名居民进行社区卫生服务机构就医满意度调查。满意度指标包括医生态度、护士态度、医疗设备、费用高低、方便程度、就医流程、解释交流、治疗效果、健康教育共九项。结果“片医”模式社区问卷回收190份,回收率为95.0%;“非片医”模式社区问卷回收194份,回收率为97.0%。“片医”模式社区居民满意度平均分为4.36分,高于“非片医”模式社区居民的4.15分。其中医疗设备、治疗效果的满意度得分是“非片医”模式社区较高,但相差不大,其他各项数据为实施“片医负责制”的社区较高。两种模式社区卫生服务机构居民对护士态度、费用高低、方便程度、就医流程、健康教育这五个方面的满意度差异有统计学意义(P é0.05)。结论整体上“片医负责制”模式达到了预期效果,居民满意度较高,能够给居民提供较为方便的社区卫生服务,但在医疗设备、治疗效果等方面还有很大的不足,仍需改进。



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