首页> 中文期刊>体育科学 >中国武术与日本空手道、韩国跆拳道段位制标准化水平比较研究




段位制的实施是中国武术近十余年来的重大改革举措,也是未来十数年中国武术的主导发展方略。秉持主体性态度,从段位命名、礼仪规范描述与运用、技术训练与考核内容、文化蕴含与展现等方面,对中国武术与日本空手道、韩国跆拳道的段位制标准化水平进行比较,认为未来中国武术段位制的标准化发展应该以“中国武术+拳种”的形式命名段位,准确表达段位类型,提高段位命名的精细化水平;提升武德意识,统一礼仪规范,强调日常运用,在晋段考核中强化武德要求;坚持“练打结合”,注重功力训练,晋段考核增加功力测试,提高段位内容的系统性;从历史叙述、技术设置、文化阐释方面完善段位制系列教程,深刻传承拳种特色文化,维护武术文化安全。%Duanwei system is a major reform of Chinese Wushu in nearly more than 10 years , and also the leading development strategy of Chinese Wushu in the next ten years .From as‐pects of the name of Duanwei ,the description and application of etiquette ,the content of train‐ing and assessment ,and the connotation and show of culture ,this paper compares the standard‐ized level of Duanwei system between Chinese Wushu and Japanese karate ,Korean taekwondo , with the principle of subjective .The result shows that Chinese Wushu Duanwei should be named by “Chinese Wushu + the type of quan” ,which can describe the type of Duanwei pre‐cisely and improve the meticulous level of the name of Duanwei ,enhance the consciousness of Wushu morality ,unified etiquette ,emphasize daily use ,and strengthen requirements of Wushu morality in the course of Duanwei evaluation ,maintain the form of “combination of practice and combat” ,emphasize power training ,and add power test in the course of Duanwei evaluation to improve the systematisms of the content of Duanwei .In order to deep inherit characteristic cul‐ture of quan ,we should perfect Duanwei system series from aspects of historical narrative , technical settings and cultural interpretation .



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