首页> 中文期刊> 《体育科学》 >不同足弓高度对踝关节肌力和运动能力的影响




Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate the possible correlation of arch height with ankle muscle strength and physical performance. Methods: Sixty-seven participants took part in this study. Arch height index (AHI) was assessed using a 3D Foot Scanner and ankle muscle strength was measured employing a dynamometer of Biodex system 4. Physical performance including agility, force and proprioception was tested randomly. Results: Compared with the medium AHI, the high AHI had lower plantar flexion and inversion peak torque. The high AHI also had lower peak torque per body weight value for plantar flexion and inversion (P<0.05). No significant ankle muscle strength difference was observed between the low and medium AHI. Additionally, AHI was negatively correlated with eversion and inversion peak torque, and negatively associated with plantar flexion, eversion and inversion peak torque per body weight (R ranged -0.26 to -0.36, P<0.050). But no significant relationship was found between arch height and physical performance. Conclusions: 1) high arches had lower ankle muscle strength while low arches exhibited greater ankle muscle strength. 2) arch height have a certain impact on ankle muscle strength but not related with physical performance.%目的:探讨不同的足弓高度对踝关节肌力以及运动能力的影响.方法:选取受试者67名,均无运动习惯(每周运动时间少于150 min)和无影响足功能的相关疾患.使用三维足形态扫描仪(3D Foot Scanner)对足弓高度进行测量与分析;使用多关节等速肌力测试训练系统(Biodex System 4)对踝关节跖屈、背屈、内旋、外旋的绝对和相对肌力进行测量与评价;使用灵活性、跳跃能力、本体感受性等测试项目对受试者运动能力进行评价.结果:与正常足弓组相比,高足弓组的跖屈和内旋的绝对和相对肌力显著较低(P<0.05).而低足弓组与正常足弓组的踝关节肌力无显著差异.此外,足弓高度指数与内旋、外旋绝对肌力呈显著正相关,与跖屈、内旋、外旋相对肌力呈显著负相关关系(R=-0.26~-0.36,P<0.05).未发现足弓高度指数与所测的运动能力指标之间存在显著的相关关系.结论:1)高足弓人群具有较低的踝关节肌力,而低足弓人群具有较高的踝关节肌力.2)足弓高度会对踝关节肌力产生一定影响,但不会影响其运动能力.



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