首页> 中文期刊> 《中国体育科技》 >安徽省学校体育用品消费结构与产品结构的调查分析




By using the method of questionnaire, the author makes an investigation on school sports goods consumption structure and product structure in Anhui province, put forwards that school sports goods consumption consists of school consumption, class consumption and individual consumption. The consumption of school sports equipment is larger than sports clothes, while the consumption of class and individual sports clothes is larger than sports equipment, the consumption of male student is larger than female student, the consumption of primary and middle school students is larger than college students. The product consumption of brand, standard and pattern and replacement for sports goods is less, while no-standard and pattern product is more. For sports clothes, the famous brand is less, while fake brand is more. The consumption level for school sports goods is relative low in Anhui province.%运用问卷和访问等方法,对安徽省学校体育用品的消费结构和产品结构进行调查分析。结果表明;学校体育用品的消费分为:学校(集团)消费、班级(集体)消费和学生(个人)消费;学校体育器材的消费大于运动服装,班级和学生运动服装的消费大于体育器材消费。体育用品消费男生大于女生,中小学生大于大学生。体育器材的消费品牌产品、标准产品、定型产品少,替代产品、非定型产品、非标准产品多,且以球类器材为主。运动服装的消费品牌产品、名牌产品少,仿制产品、假冒产品多,以运动服式的“班服”、“校服”为主。安徽省学校体育用品的消费水平较低,属经济实用型。



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