首页> 中文期刊> 《中国科技论文》 >地震作用下楔形体滑坡的动力稳定性分析




The stability analysis of the landslide under seismic loading ensures the safety of human life and infrastructure projects.The earthquake waves were modeled by sinusoidal waves based on the pseudo-dynamic method, in which the effects of the damping force was taken into consideration as well as the phase difference of the longitudinal and transverse wave propagation from toe to top of the slope.The dynamic response mechanism of the wedge-shaped slope under seismic loading was presented.The factor of safety of the wedge-shaped slope can be determined using the proposed method.It was correct and efficient to use pseudo-dynamic method to analyze the dynamic stability of the wedge slope.Moreover, the effects of friction angle, cohesion, horizontal seismic acceleration coefficient and amplification factor on the factor of safety were investigated.%地震作用下由复杂结构面切割而成的楔体滑坡的稳定性研究,对于保证基础建设工程的顺利开展和安全使用具有重要意义.拟动力法被应用于地震荷载的计算.拟动力法采用正弦波模拟地震波的传播,考虑了纵波和横波从坡脚传播到坡顶的相位差和阻尼力对地震作用的影响.揭示了楔形体滑坡在地震作用下的动力响应规律,分析了楔形体滑坡在地震作用下的动力稳定性系数.计算结果证实了本方法运用于楔形体滑坡的动力稳定性分析的正确性和有效性.运用该方法研究了结构面内摩擦角、结构面黏聚力、水平地震加速度系数以及加速度幅值放大系数等因素对滑坡稳定系数的影响.



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