首页> 中文期刊> 《中国铁道科学》 >高速铁路列车运行调整的模型及其策略优化方法




在分析高速铁路列车运行调整决策特点的基础上,针对高速铁路列车运行调整的传统优化模型在求解效率方面存在的问题,以相邻且存在冲突列车所在的位置为状态,行车调度员可采取的调整措施为行动,列车加权总晚点时间为调度员采取行动所获得的报酬,构建高速铁路列车运行调整的马氏决策过程模型;分析高速铁路列车运行调整决策过程最优策略的结构,给出采取列车顺晚开行和越行调整等行动的最优策略条件,基于列车的越行矩阵、到开时刻矩阵、最小停站时间矩阵和区间标准运行时间矩阵的定义,采用极大加代数和矩阵推算列车到发时刻,并据此设计模型求解的策略优化方法.结合某高速铁路区段的实例计算结果表明:给出的模型和策略优化方法能取得较人工调整方法更好的优化效果,较数学模型优化方法可提高求解效率,从而验证了高速铁路列车运行调整的马氏决策过程模型和策略优化方法的有效性.%Based on the analysis of the characteristics of train operation adjustment decision for high speed railway,aiming at the problems of traditional optimization model in solving efficiency for train operation adjustment of high speed railway,Markov Decision Process Model (MDPM) for the train operation adjustment of high speed railway is formulated.In the MDPM,the conflict of adjacent trains is set as status,the decision for successively postponing trains or overtaking train at stations is set as action,the total weighted delay time of trains with the action of dispatcher is set as reward.The optimal strategy structure of train operation adjustment decision process for high speed railway is analyzed.The optimal strategy conditions to decide successively postponing trains and overtaking trains are given.Based on the definitions for overtaking matrix,arrival-departure time matrix,minimum stopping time matrix and standard section running time matrix of train,the arrival-departure time could be calculated with the matrix and max-plus algebra system.The optimal strategy method for MDPM is designed.Combined with the actual data obtained from a section of certain high speed railway,results show that the MDPM and optimal strategy method perform better than manual method in solution results and have higher solution efficiency than traditional mathematical optimal method.The validity of MDPM and optimal strategy method for train operation adjustment of high speed railway has been demonstrated.



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