首页> 中文期刊> 《中国药房》 >政府研发资助、内部研发投入与制药企业创新绩效的关系研究




OBJECTIVE:To provide a reference for promoting the effect of government subsidies to the R&D conducted by pharmaceutical enterprises,increasing enterprises’internal input to R&D and improving innovation performance. METHODS:By building the theoretical model of the relation of the government subsidies and internal input to R&D and the innovation performance on the basis of the assumptions,the empirical study was conducted on the pharmaceutical enterprises in Jiangsu Province though re-gression analysis and mediating effect analysis. RESULTS & CONCLUSIONS:The scale designed had good reliability and validity. The final model was obtained after empirical test. Giving considerations to relevant coefficients,the results showed that all assump-tions were verified except 3. Where,government subsidies to the R&D promoted enterprises’internal input to R&D and innovation performance,and internal input to R&D served as a complete mediator between government subsidies to the R&D and innovation performance,that is to say,government subsidies to the R&D had indirect promotion influence on innovation performance,with the influence coefficient as 0.405. It is suggested that the government should increase subsidies to R&D conducted by pharmaceuti-cal enterprises in a reasonable manner to make full use of the guiding function of government funds,and pharmaceutical enterprises should attach importance to internal input to R&D and establish its principal status in innovation system.%目的:为提高政府对制药企业研发资助效果、增加企业内部研发投入和提高创新绩效提供参考。方法:在假设的基础上,构建政府研发资助、内部研发投入与创新绩效关系的理论模型,采用回归分析和中介效应分析方法,以江苏省的制药企业为研究对象进行实证研究。结果与结论:所设计的量表具有良好的信度和效度,经实证检验后得到最终的模型,结合各相关系数结果表明除假设3外其余各项假设均可获得验证。其中,政府研发资助对制药企业内部研发投入和创新绩效均存在促进效应,内部研发投入在政府研发资助与创新绩效之间起到完全中介作用,即政府研发资助对创新绩效有间接的促进作用,其影响系数为0.405。建议政府应适当增加对制药企业的研发资助,充分发挥财政资金的引导作用;制药企业则需重视内部研发投入,建立其在创新体系中的主体地位等。



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