首页> 中文期刊> 《开放导报 》 >农民工市民化的“三步走”




Basing on the background of urbanization and the progress of industrialization, agricultural modernization and urbanization, after the analysis of farm workers which chiefly make an important influence on the spatial structure of village and township, we bring forward the process of urbanization which include three steps. The first one is that the farm workers worked on the nonagricultural town. The second one is that they work on the nonagricultural and then take up residence on the town. The late and also the important one is settling down forever. We think that the best way of solving the problem of urbanization is leading the farm workers are employed and dwell on the urban.%  基于城镇化背景,依据对农民工就业和移居行为的分析,本文提出农民工市民化一般有三个阶段,即农民工务农到非农城镇就业,非农城镇就业到城镇定居,城镇定居到市民化(落户)。文章认为引导农民工在建制镇就业和落户是解决农民工市民化的较好途径。



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