首页> 中文期刊> 《中国癌症杂志》 >进展期胃癌及胃食管结合部腺癌术前同期放化疗的临床研究进展




This paper is about the clinical trials of preoperative concurrent chemoradiotherapy for advanced adenocarcinoma of the stomach or gastroesophageal junction reported in recent years. The radiation dose of most trials is 45 Gy. Chemotherapy drugs such as 5-fluorouracil, cisplatin and taxol are concurrently used as sensitizers. A number of trials have induction chemotherapy prior to chemoradiotherpy. The validity is evaluated by R0 resection rate, pathological complete response rate and overall survival rate. The safety is assessed by the adverse reaction, treatment related mortality, and its effect on postoperative complications and mortality. The results showed that preoperative chemoradiotherapy can significantly improve the R0 resection rate and benefit the prognosis of the patients. Meanwhile, the security and impact on operations of preoperative chemoradiotherapy is controllable. The recent researches are mostly in phase II, and more randomized controlled studies are needed. To fully accept the preoperative chemoradiotherapy as a standard treatment, more evidence and long-term efficacy index are indispensible.%近年来,胃癌及胃食管结合部腺癌术前同期放化疗的临床试验,大部分采用45 Gy的放射剂量。联合氟尿嘧啶、顺铂、紫杉醇等胃癌的基础化疗药物行同期增敏。部分试验在同期放化疗前先行诱导化疗。试验的有效性通过R0切除率、病理学完全缓解率及生存期等指标进行评价。安全性采用放化疗不良反应、治疗相关病死率及其术后并发症的发生率予以评价。结果表明,术前同期放化疗可以显著提高R0切除率,为患者预后带来获益。同时,其安全性及其对手术的影响在可控范围内。目前的研究主要集中于Ⅱ期,大部分有理想获益,但缺乏大型的随机对照研究,若要全面开展术前同期放化疗这一治疗手段,仍需更多循证医学证据及远期疗效指标等予以支持。



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