首页> 中文期刊> 《中国矿业》 >中国-罗马尼亚产能合作前景分析




Romania is the second largest country in central and eastern Europe.China-Romania cooperation on production capacity is promising.The implementation of the strategy of "the Belt and Road" provides a new historical opportunity for China-Romania production cooperation.This paper base on the cooperation of resource industry, takes infrastructure, mining and related industry as the breakthrough point of production cooperation.It analyzes the investment environment, resource endowment and industrial development of Romania, and puts forward the conception of production cooperation in China and Romania: investment in infrastructure focus on investment in large, high-yield projects;mining and related industries to cooperate in the Black Sea oil and gas development and copper, gold development as the focus, concern about the Romanian government mining policy changes, timely participate in the Romanian mining investment.%罗马尼亚是中东欧第二大国,中国与罗马尼亚产能合作前景广阔,"一带一路"战略的实施,为中罗产能合作提供了新的历史机遇.本文基于资源产业合作,以基础设施、矿业及相关产业产能合作为切入点,对罗马尼亚的投资环境、资源禀赋,以及产业发展等进行综合分析,进而提出中国和罗马尼亚产能合作构想:基础设施领域投资以投资额大、收益率高的项目为重点;矿业及相关产业领域合作,以黑海油气开发及铜、金开发为重点,关注罗马尼亚政府矿业政策变化,及时参与到罗马尼亚矿业投资中.



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