首页> 中文期刊>中国医药导报 >针灸至阴穴矫正异常胎位的应用探讨




至阴是对胎位不正有重要影响的特异性穴位,历代文献均有针灸至阴转胎的记载,一般孕妇施用3~4次即可使胎位转正,转胎成功率可达90%以上.针灸刺激方法众多,其中常用的艾条灸法、艾炷灸法、温针灸法、穴位贴敷法、激光照射法效果显著,目前以艾条灸法为主.现介绍针灸几种常用刺激方法的具体施术操作,探讨矫正胎位的机制,明确临证应用中需要注意的问题,使这种简便实用、安全有效的转胎方法得以普及推广.%Zhiyin (BL67) is the specific point which has significant influence for correcting abnormal fetal position. The related contents are documented in ancient literature. Generally, pregnant women can be the fetal position positive after 3-4 times, the success rate can be up to 90%. Many methods of acupuncture stimulation, in which commonly used moxa stick moxibustion, moxa cone moxibustion, warm needling therapy, acupoint application, laser irradiation results are obvious, the main curing method is moxa stick moxibustion currently. This article describes the methods of acupuncture stimulation of several common technical operation of specific facilities to explore the mechanism of correction of fetal position, a clear clinical application of the problems that need attention, to make this simple and practical, safe and effective method of embryo transfer to popularize.



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