首页> 中文期刊>中国医疗设备 >声触诊组织量化技术在子宫肌层病变中的应用初探




Objective To conduct a preliminary research on the value of applying virtual touch tissue quantification (VTQ) in the assessment of myometrium lesions. Methods VTQ technology was used to examine myometriura lesions of 78 cases of uterine fibroids, 16 cases of uterine adenomyosis and 83 cases of normal uterus wall. Measurement values were recorded and statistical analysis was performed. Results VTQ means of uterine fibroids and denomyosis are respectively 3.58 ?0.76 and 3.53 ?1.08, which are significantly greater than that of normal uterus wall of 2.84 ?0.89 (P<0.05).Conclusion The VTQ showed that the hardness of myometrium lesions of uterine fibroids and adenomyosis had increased significantly compared with those of normal uterus wall, indicating that there is value of applying VTQ in uterine muscle wall lesions.%目的 初步探讨声触诊组织量化技术(VTQ)在子宫肌层病变中的应用价值.方法 应用VTQ技术检测78例子宫肌瘤患者及16例子宫腺肌症患者的宫壁病变区以及83例正常子宫宫壁,并对记录测量数值进行统计分析.结果 子宫肌瘤VTQ均值3.58±0.76、子宫腺肌症VTQ均值3.53±1.08,均明显大于正常子宫宫壁VTQ均值2.84±0.89(P<0.05).结论 正常宫壁与病变宫壁之间弹性比较有统计学差异,说明弹性超声应用在子宫肌壁病变有一定价值.



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