首页> 中文期刊> 《中国机械工程》 >面向能耗的数控铣削过程建模与参数优化




为了选择合理的切削参数以达到降低能耗的目的,对稳定的数控铣削过程面向能耗进行建模并优化。首先,在分析输入功率去向构成的基础上,建立数控铣床系统输入功率模型。然后,建立数控铣床系统能耗测试平台。通过对实验数据的多元回归建立数控铣床输入功率与切削参数的函数,对比分析证实函数的精确性。随后,由该函数得出数控铣床稳定切削阶段的单位体积能耗函数,以此为优化目标,以铣床性能和表面质量为约束,通过引力搜索算法(GSA)进行切削参数的能效优化。最后,与经验的切削参数进行对比,结果表明优化后切削参数显著提高了铣床能量效率,大幅节省了电能。%In order to select the appropriate cutting parameters to reduce energy consumption,a stable CNC milling process was modeled and optimized based on energy consumption function.First of all,the input power model of CNC milling system was built by characterizing its components.Then an energy consumption test platform was set up.The function between the input power of CNC milling system and cutting parameters was established through multiple regression,and its accuracy was con-firmed by a comparative analysis.After that the specific energy consumption function during stable CNC milling process was figured out from the input power function.GSA was used to optimize the cutting parameters by a model,which regarded the ESEC as goal and the performance of milling ma-chine and surface quality as constraints.Compared with empirical data,it is shown that the optimized cutting parameters will improve the energy efficiency of milling machine significantly and drastically.



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