首页> 中文期刊>中国土地科学 >农村集体土地股份制改革的实践价值与路径选择--“农村集体土地股份制改革研讨会”综述




研究目的:探讨中国农村集体土地股份制改革的实践价值、存在问题、改革方向及路径选择。研究方法:在专家座谈的基础上,总结各地农村集体土地股份制改革的实践经验,探究目前存在的主要问题,指出今后的改革方向与路径。研究结果:(1)农村集体土地股份制改革具有重要的实践价值和理论意义;(2)当前农村土地股份制改革存在着土地流转缺乏政策法律支持、股份合作社管理不规范等问题;(3)集体土地股份制改革需要推动土地产权制度改革,实现农民经济身份与社会身份相分离,制订具有可操作性的妇女权益保护政策等。研究结论:农村集体土地股份制改革路径:(1)进一步完善相关法律制度,切实体现农民集体土地所有权权能;(2)科学合理设计农村集体土地股份制改革的技术路线,并与各地实际相结合;(3)确保农民的土地股份制改革主体地位,增强农民的土地权利保障;(4)建立城乡统一的建设用地市场,允许集体农用地的有序有限转用和集体建设用地的规范流转,合理分配流转收益。%The purposes of this paper are to explore the practical value, problems, reform direction and path choice of the joint-stock reform of rural collective land. On the basis of expert discussion, the paper summarizes the practical experience of the joint-stock reform of rural collective land, explores the main problems currently, and points out the future reform direction and the path. The results indicate that 1) the joint-stock reform of rural collective land has important theoretical significance and practical value;2) currently there are many problems with the joint-stock reform of rural collective land, such as lack of land transfer policy and legal support, and unstandardized management of the stock cooperatives;3 ) the joint-stock reform of rural collective land is further based on the reforms, such as land ownership reform, separation of farmers’economic status and social identity, formulation of the practical protectionon women’s rights.The paper further concluded that the reform path of rural collective land stock should in clude 1) to further improve the relevant legal system, and legalize the collective land ownership of farmers;2 ) to design the technology roadmap of joint-stock reform of rural collective land scientifically and rationally;3)to ensure the dominant position of farmers, and enhance the protection the land rights of farmers;4)to establish a unified urban and rural construction land market, to allow the orderly and constrained transfer of collective agricultural land, to regulate transfer of collective construction land, and to allocate the land transfer income rationally.



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