首页> 中文期刊> 《中国现代医学杂志》 >维持性血液透析患者家庭功能与自我管理能力相关性研究*




Objective To explore the current situation and the relationship between family functions and self-management ability of maintenance hemodialysis (MHD) patients in order to provide evidence for community family nursing. Methods A total of 142 MHD patients were selected with convenience sampling method from the Ningxia General Hospital of the Chinese Armed Police Force and investigated with the family Adaptation, Partnership, Growth, Affection and Resolve (APGAR) Scale, and Self-management Scale of Hemodialysis Patients. Results The total family function score of the hemodialysis patients was (8.12 ± 2.40), 79.6% of the patients had good family function. The total score of self-management ability was (54.42 ± 10.51), 76.1% of the patients had poor self-management. The family function had a positive correlation with the total score of self-management ability in the hemodialysis patients ( = 0.230, < 0.05). Conclusions Good family function is conductive to the improvement of self-management behaviors in hemodialysis patients.%目的:探讨维持性血液透析患者家庭功能与自我管理能力的相关性。方法采用便利抽样法选取2015年7月-2015年9月于武警宁夏总队医院行维持性血液透析且满足纳入标准的患者142例,应用APGAR家庭功能评估表、血液透析患者自我管理量表进行调查。结果维持性血液透析患者家庭功能总得分为(8.12±2.40)分,家庭功能良好者占79.6%。自我管理行为总得分为(54.42±10.51)分,自我管理能力处于中低水平者占76.1%(108例);且患者家庭功能总得分与自我管理能力总得分比较,差异有统计学意义(=0.230,<0.05)。结论维持性血液透析患者良好的家庭功能有助于其自我管理能力的改善和提高。



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