首页> 中文期刊>照明工程学报 >南京市学校教室天然采光初步研究之问卷调查




The effects of daylight on human responses are complex and dynamic .Since most daylight research has taken place in Europe and North America , the findings and standards regarding natural illumination, window size and view quality in schools may not be readily applied to different countries , climates and built environments .Hence , there is a need for future work by researchers in different regions . This pilot study attempts to understand existing daylighting conditions from both objective and subjective aspects in Nanjing schools .Based on a literature review of qualitative studies in school buildings , this paper only introduces a questionnaire survey from 300 students in 2 secondary schools in Nanjing .The quantitative study which includes on-site measurements and data analysis for these schools is stated in the authors ' another paper .The purpose of this pilot study is to engage researchers in this field in lively discourse about daylighting quantity and quality of the schools in order to improve the daylighting design standards in China .%我国在学校天然采光方面的研究起步较晚,相关标准的制定也主要是借鉴西方的研究成果,因此有必要根据我国地域、气候、人文、经济等情况进一步修正。本次初步研究尝试从量化研究和质化研究两个方面入手了解中国学校天然采光。在文献回顾基础上,本文主要介绍研究小组对2所南京市中学的300个学生的问卷调查结果。希望本次研究可以初步了解南京市中小学教室的天然光环境现状,并为我国学校天然采光研究,以及采光设计标准的重新修订起到一定的抛砖引玉作用。



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