首页> 中文期刊>中国卫生标准管理 >不明原因晕厥患儿直立倾斜试验中血流动力学反应模式及意义




目的 探讨不明原因昏厥患儿直立倾斜试验中血流动力学反应的模式与意义.方法 选择80例我院收治的不明原因晕厥患儿作为研究对象,在安静的环境下空腹对其进行直立倾斜试验,观察患儿血压、心率的变化.结果 80例不明原因晕厥进行直立倾斜试验的患儿中,42例为经典的血管迷走性反应(52.5%),25例为血管抑制型(31.25%),6例为混合型(7.5%),7例为心脏抑制型(8.75%);12例患儿为正常直立反应者(15.0%),25例为体位性心动过速反应者(31.25%),1例为直立性低血压反应者(1.25%),无患儿为心脏病变时功能障碍型以及自主神经反应障碍型.结论 不明原因晕厥患儿直立倾斜试验中血流动力学反应模式主要为血管迷走性反应,同时还存在体位性低血压等血流动力学变化.%Objective To explore the hemodynamic response pattern and significance of syncope of unknown cause in children with vertical tilt test.Methods 80 patients with unexplained syncope in our hospital were selected as the study object. In a quiet environment,we did vertical tilt test in fasting,observed the changes of blood pressure and heart rate in children.Results In 80 patients with unexplained syncope,42 patients were of the classic(52.5%), 25 patients of vascular disease(31.25%), 6 cases of mixed type (7.5%),7 cases of cardiac depression(8.75%). 12 cases were normal upright position (15.0%), 1 cases of upright hypotension (1.25%),no children was cardiac dysfunction and autonomic nervous reaction barrier type.Conclusion The hemodynamic response patterns in the patients with unexplained syncope were mainly caused by the hemodynamic changes of blood vessels,and the changes of blood flow dynamics such as postural hypotension and so on.



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