首页> 中文期刊> 《中国卫生标准管理》 >厦门市城市社区卫生服务中心硬资源建设研究




目的:探讨厦门市城市社区卫生服务中心硬资源—基础设施、设备和财政投入建设情况。方法采用调查表的方法对厦门市15个城市社区卫生服务中心的基础设施、设备和财政投入进行调查。结果厦门市城市社区卫生服务中心的平均房屋建筑面积和平均业务使用面积均高于全国公办社区卫生服务中心平均水平;近年来,社区卫生服务中心的固定资产逐年增加,万元以上设备的数量和总值也不断增加,但城市社区卫生服务中心万元以上设备数较少;政府财政补助也呈现逐年上升趋势,绝大多数社区卫生服务中心总收入大于支出,但是存在不平衡,仍有个别社区卫生服务中心入不敷出。结论厦门市大部分社区卫生服务中心房屋建筑面积和业务用房面积均符合厦门市社区卫生服务中心设置标准;政府对城市社区卫生服务中心财政投入较大,占卫生服务机构财政补助比例逐年增加;但是仍然存在不足,应当着力改善各城市社区卫生服务中心的设备配置,添置万元以上设备。%Objective To explore the Xiamen urban community health service center hard resources,infrastructure,equipment and financial investment construction.MethodsUsing self-made questionnaire methods of Xiamen city of 15 urban community health service center infrastructure,equipment and financial investment for survey.ResultsThe average housing construction area and average business use area in the Xiamen city community dealth service centers were higher than the national average level of public community health service centers. In recent years,the fixed assets in community health service centers had increased year by year,and the number and total value of the set of equipment costs totaling ten thousand Yuan or more was also increasing,but there was a relatively smal number of the equipment costs totaling ten thousand Yuan or more in urban community health service centers. The government financial assistance also showed an increasing trend. The income was greater than expenditure in the vast majority of community health service centers,but there is an imbalance in very few centers with the expenditure and income.Conclusion Most of the housing construction area and business use area in Xiamen community health service centers are conformed to the standard. There is a larger proportion of total financial subsidies into the community health service centers by Xiamen city government,and the proportion of health services financial assistance is increased year by year. However,there are stil insufficient,the governments should focus on improving the equipment configuration of each urban community health service centers and purchase the equipment costs totaling ten thousand Yuan or more.



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