首页> 中文期刊> 《中国卫生产业》 >秩和比法在吉林省布鲁氏菌病发病率比较中的应用




Objective RSR compare the incidence of brucellosis in Jilin Province, and to explore its value. Methods Ap-plications based on rank and confidence intervals than the comparative law from 1990 to 2010, the difference in 2011 and 2012 the level of incidence of brucellosis (Brucellosis control situations) whether a statistical significance between the ap-plication based on the sub-RSR file method for nine cities (prefectures) of brucellosis incidence levels (brucellosis control situation) cluster analysis. Results In addition to differences from 1990 to 2010 and 2012 every two years the level of inci-dence of brucellosis (Brucellosis control the situation) was statistically significant between (P<0.05), the difference between the other two were not statistically two years significance (P>0.05). Baicheng, Matsubara is a high incidence areas, relatively poor control of brucellosis; Siping, Liaoyuan and a moderate incidence of Yanbian region, brucellosis control situation is relatively acceptable; Tonghua, Changchun, Jilin Baishan and a low incidence area, cloth disease control situation is rela-tively better. Conclusion After 90 years since the 20th century, brucellosis epidemic is serious, Jilin Province in 2011 and 2012 outbreaks have been some control, but the incidence of 9 cities and states are not the same situation, should take fur-ther effective measures to continuously improve the level of disease prevention. RSR principles of law evident, simple oper-ation, should be widely applied.%目的:应用秩和比法比较吉林省布鲁氏菌病发病率,并探讨其应用价值。方法应用基于秩和比的可信区间法比较1990—2010年、2011年和2012年布病发病率水平(布病控制情况)之间的差异是否具有统计学意义,应用基于秩和比的分档法对9个市(州)的布病发病率水平(布病控制情况)进行聚类分析。结果除1990—2010年和2012年两两年份布病发病率水平(布病控制情况)之间的差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)外,其余两两年份之间的差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。白城、松原属于高发病率地区,布病控制情况相对较差;四平、辽源和延边属于中等发病率地区,布病控制情况相对尚可;通化、长春、白山和吉林属于低发病率地区,布病控制情况相对较好。结论经过20世纪90年代以来布病疫情严重以来,吉林省2011年和2012年疫情已经得到一定的控制,但9个市州发病率情况不尽相同,应进一步采取得力措施,不断提高防病水平。秩和比法原理自明,操作简单,值得推广应用。



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