首页> 中文期刊>中国卫生产业 >血站无偿献血宣传教育策略与效果分析




Objective To explore the strategy and effect of propaganda and education of non-remunerated blood donation in blood station. Methods The related datum of non-remunerated blood donation in a month before and after the implementation of propa-ganda and education of non-remunerated blood donation in blood station were collected. The average blood volume, the average number of people, the proportion of 400 mL of single blood donation and the proportion of people who donated more than twice in blood station in every day before and after the implementation of propaganda and education were compared. Results After the pro-paganda, the average volume of blood dination and the number of blood donors were higher than those before the propaganda and the before and after contrast was statistical significant (P<0.05). 10 months after the propaganda, the total number of people partici-pating in blood donation was 2724 among which there were 2233persons (82.0%) with 400 mL of single blood donation and 1498 persons (55.0%) who had blood donation for twice or more. The percentages were higher than those before the propaganda and the comparison was statistically significant (P<0.05). Conclusion The propaganda and education in blood station can effectively stimu-late the public enthusiasm and sense of mission of blood donation among people, increase the amount of blood to ensure the ade-quate clinical blood supply, and it is of reference value.%目的:探析血站无偿献血宣传教育策略与效果。方法收集血站无偿献血宣传教育策略实施前后各一个月无偿献血相关数据,对比宣传教育策略实施前后血站每天无偿献血平均血量、平均人数、单次献血400 mL所占比例、2次及以上献血人数所占比例。结果宣传后血站每天平均采血量与献血人数均高于宣传前,前后对比差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。宣传后10月参与无偿献血总人数为2724人,其中2233(82.0%)单次献血量为400 mL,1498(55.0%)献血次数为2次或以上,所占百分率均高于宣传前,比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论血站宣传教育策略可有效激发大众无偿献血热情与使命感,增加采血量,确保临床供血充足,借鉴价值较大。



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