首页> 中文期刊>中国卫生产业 >探讨护士分层护理管理在护理管理工作中的应用




目的:探究在护理管理工作中,护士分层管理模式的应用效果。方法选取100例护理工作人员作为实验对象,随机分为实验组和对照组,再选取200例患者,平均分成8组,每组25例,实验组和对照组各选择四组患者共100例进行护理。对照组采用传统护理管理的方法,而实验组则采用了护士分层护理管理方法,除确保基本的、专科的护理以及心理护理落实到位,还对每日的工作量、护理内容、护理质量以及病患的满意程度进行调查统计。将两组的调查数据进行比较。结果实验组各方面的满意程度方面均明显好于对照组,比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论护士分层管理方法可以使得护理工作更能贴近患者的需求,对于减少医患纠纷起到了积极的作用。%Objective To explore the nursing management, nursing and application effect of layered management mode. Methods Choose 100 cases of nursing staff as experimental object, randomly divided into experimental group and the control group, then se-lect 200 patients, divided into 8 groups on average, 25 cases in each group, experimental group and control group in the choice of a total of 100 patients with four groups of care. Control group adopts the method of traditional nursing management, while the ex-perimental group adopted stratified nursing management methods, in addition to ensure that the basic and the college of nursing and psychological care in place, also the daily workload, the content of nursing, nursing quality and patients' satisfaction survey statistics, compared two groups of investigation data. Results The experimental group in terms of satisfaction were significantly bet-ter than that in control group, compared with significant differences (P<0.05).Conclusion The hierarchical management method can make nursing work more close to the patient's needs, to reduce medical disputes played a positive role.



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