首页> 中文期刊> 《中国港湾建设》 >固镇复线船闸水工模型试验研究




As a result of upstream approach channel of Guzhen double-line shiplock restricted by Huihe River Bridge of Jinghu railroad. The angle between the approach channel outfall area and the connection section's middle line and the rivers main flow is large, it produces transverse current, backflow and so on to the disadvantage of upstream waterway's safe. The study indicates the approach channel outfall area current velocity and change rule, determines the upstream and downstream flow condition of approach channel outfall under the nature state and the design state, arguments the arrangement of shiplock outfall area and the approach channel, and proposes the optimum plan for the entry angle of approach channel, guide bank,cut-bank projects to satisfy the standard requirement of outfall velocity.%固镇复线船闸上游引航道受京沪铁路浍河大桥的制约,引航道口门区及连接段的中心线与河流主流流向之间的夹角较大,产生的横流、回流等对上游航道航行安全不利.试验揭示了引航道口门区横流流速及其变化规律,测定天然状态及设计状态下上、下游引航道口门的流态;对船闸口门区及引航道布置进行论证,对引航道口门角度、导堤、切滩等工程提出优化方案,以满足规范要求的口门流速标准.



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