首页> 中文期刊> 《中外医疗》 >磁伸缩洁牙机与压电陶瓷洁牙机的比较




Objective To provide a reference for clinical application of dental descalers by comparing magnetostrictive dental descaler (Bangwo periodontal root canal therapeutic instrument) and the piezoceramics dental descaler (Woodpecker). Methods 1. A total of 64 isolated teeth pulled out due to periodontitis were divided into an experimental group and a control group, 32 teeth in each. The magnetostrictive dental descaler was used to clean the teeth of the experimental group, the piezoceramics dental descaler for the control group, and a stopwatch was used to record the time of scaling. 2. One tooth of each group was randomly selected af-ter scaling and scanned by the electronic microscope. 3. A total of 64 periodontosis patients admitted in our department were ran-domly selected and divided into an experimental group and a control group, 32 patients in each. The magnetostrictive dental descaler and the piezoceramics dental descaler were used respectively in experimental group and control group for scaling, and a stopwatch was used to record the time of scaling. At the same time, a questionnaire survey was conducted to understand the pa-tients' dentin sensitivity during and one week after the operation. Results 1. For isolated teeth, the total time for scaling 32 teeth was 88 minutes and 11 seconds for the experimental group, and 112 minutes and 48 seconds for the control group. 2. The tooth surface of the experimental group was smoother than that of the control group. 3. Clinical scaling took 57 minutes on average in experimental group, and 87 minutes in control group. During and one week after the operation, fewer patients in the experimental group claimed to have suffered from pain than the control group. Conclusion 1. Magnetostrictive dental descaler is superior to piezoceramics dental descaler in scaling efficiency, comfort, and the smoothness of the tooth surface.%目的:通过对磁伸缩洁牙机(邦沃牙周根管治疗仪)与压电陶瓷洁牙机(啄木鸟)的比较,为洁牙机的临床应用提供参考。方法①将因牙周炎拔除的离体牙64颗,分为实验组和对照组各32颗。实验组用磁伸缩洁牙机,对照组用压电陶瓷洁牙机,分别进行洁治,并用秒表计时器计算清洁干净所用时间;②随机抽取实验组和对照组洁治完成的立离体牙各一颗进行电子显微镜扫描;③随机抽取在该科就诊的牙周病患者,分为实验组和对照组,每组32名,治疗组用磁伸缩洁牙机洁治,对照组用压电陶瓷洁牙机洁治,并用秒表计时器计算所用时间,同时问卷调查,了解病人术中及术后一周的牙本质敏感状况。结果①离体牙,实验组32颗用时88 min11 s;对照组32颗用时112 min48 s;②实验组离体牙表面光洁度优于对照组;③临床洁治实验组平均用时57 min.对照组平均用时87 min。术中及术后一周自觉酸痛症状者实验组少于对照组。结论磁伸缩洁牙机洁治效率、舒适度和牙面的光洁度均优于压电陶瓷洁牙机。



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