首页> 中文期刊> 《中国煤炭》 >基于改进的 WBS-RBS 与 FHAP 方法的煤炭企业管理信息化项目建设关键风险识别∗

基于改进的 WBS-RBS 与 FHAP 方法的煤炭企业管理信息化项目建设关键风险识别∗



煤炭企业管理信息化项目建设涉及范围广,风险因素比较多,结合煤炭企业管理信息化项目建设特点,对传统的 WBS-RBS 方法进行改进,构建 WBS-RBS 与管理相关方组合矩阵,可以系统识别企业管理信息化项目建设过程中的风险因素及管理相关方,在此基础上进一步构建煤炭企业管理信息化项目建设关键风险识别模型,通过 FHAP 方法对煤炭企业管理信息化项目建设关键风险进行识别,并确定其在煤炭管理信息化项目建设阶段的权重分布情况及管理相关方,从而提升管理信息化项目建设风险管理的针对性和有效性。%The construction of management informatization projects for coal enterprises in-volves a wide range of risk factors.Taken this feature into consideration,this paper improves the conventional WBS-RBS approach to build a portfolio matrix which combined WBS-RBS with rele-vant management.It can identify risk factors and the relevant management systematically during the construction of management informatization projects. Based on this,a key risks identification model is built for coal enterprises. Then,identify the key risks with the FHAP method as well as determine the weight distribution and relevant management during the construction stage of coal management informatization projects in order to enhance the pertinence and validity of risk man-agement for management informatization projects construction.



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