首页> 中文期刊> 《中国煤炭》 >千万吨级矿井评价体系研究与实践




为推动国家“十三五”经济发展方式转变,促进煤炭工业的转型升级,神华集团公司基于所属的千万吨级矿井群,提出了建设世界一流示范矿井的目标。本文通过运用系统工程理论和战略思维方法,结合模糊综合评价法对千万吨级矿井的评价体系展开深入研究,构建了由6个一级指标、21个二级指标构成的千万吨级矿井评价体系,为建设世界一流示范矿井奠定了基础。运用该评价体系对神华集团所属的某千万吨级矿井进行综合评价,得出评价结论并应用于该矿井的工程实践。同时,该评价指标体系在指导煤矿的运营和发展,衡量和建设世界一流矿井的评价方面也具有一定的借鉴意义。%In order to driving the 13th Five-Year Plan for the transformation of economic de-velopment mode and promoting coal industrial transformation and upgrading,Shenhua Group provided a target to build a top of the world demonstrated coal mine basing upon their amounts of 1 0-million-ton capacity coal mines.According to utilization of system engineering theory and stra-tegic thinking method,the author conducted an intensive study on evaluation system of 10-mil-lion-ton capacity coal mines and also build an evaluation system of 10-million-ton capacity coal mines by combining fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method.The system includes 6 first class in-dicators and 2 1 second class indicators which established a foundation for building the top of the world coal mine.The system was applied to comprehensive evaluate one 10-million-ton capacity coal mine of Shenhua Group and get evaluated conclusion and engineering practice,in the mean-while,the evaluated indicator system provided a reference on evaluation of guiding coal mines'op-eration and development,and measuring and establishing the top of the world coal mine.



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