首页> 中文期刊>中国名城 >规制理论视角下的治理转型与城市复兴*--以武汉市为例




随着城市成为积累的场所和全球竞争的主体,城市治理与城市发展之间的关系日益密切,而以复兴城市为研究对象,更有利于揭示城市治理转型的动因、条件和特征。首先简要回顾了国内外城市治理演化的一般进程,并借助规制理论关于积累体制和规制模式之间耦合关系的分析框架,指出城市治理转型的实质是为了在城市尺度上使规制模式更好地适应积累体制的变化。根据这一思路,以武汉为例,分析了其城市治理转型的动因和条件,即武汉在全国城市发展格局中的相对落后,以及国家和湖北省治理格局的转型为其提供的空间和支持,并揭示了武汉城市治理转型如何通过市区政府间关系的重新划分,政府、市场和社会的共同治理,以及多中心格局的构建,努力适应经济全球化和新型城镇化积累体制的要求,从而实现城市复兴。%As city is becoming the site of accumulation and agent of competition, urban governance is deemed increasingly critical to growth accomplishment. Reviving city is a good case to explore the impetus, condition and characteristics of urban governance in transition. Folowing a brief review of the evolution of urban governance both abroad and in China, this paper resorts to regulation theory on the relationship between mode of regulation and regime of accumulation and suggests urban governance transformation is to tailor mode of regulation for the changing needs of accumulation. This framework is then applied to the case of Wuhan whose governance shift is motivated by the downward pressure it faces in national urban hierarchy and facilitated by the simultaneous governance changes on national and provincial scales. In order to revive the city’s historical glory, Wuhan responds to newregime of accumulation with reshaped relationship between municipal and lower-level governments, colective actions of government, market and societal agents, as wel as a polycentric metropolis.



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