首页> 中文期刊>中国名城 >城市地名变迁与社会记忆的建构--基于《紫堤村志》的分析




社会记忆不但具有天然的社会整合的功能,还随着时代的变迁被不断地建构,这种建构并不仅仅局限在Barry Schwar所研究的历史人物形象的记忆方面,也涵盖了仪式、历史事件、地名等。历史地名以及地名中蕴含的古老传说,是乡村社会记忆和社区认同的重要内容,构成了延绵的非正式地方史。地名嬗变的意义不仅体现在空间地理上的演变更替,也隐含着政治与经济变迁的社会背景,政权更替时期的地名命名更是凸显了国家意识形态的话语力量。基于对清朝乡村志《紫堤村志》和《闲话紫堤村志》的材料分析,从历史地名的延续、更替与消失这一切入点,来描述在城市大规模重建背景下乡村社会记忆及地方史的建构与断裂过程。%Social memory is effective of naturally social integration. But as we can see, it is continuing built to help the authority for integration and control. A historical toponym and the old legend of it is an important part of group’s memory and community identity, which has constructed the local history in folk. The toponym’s evolution means not only the reposition of the geo-space, but also the indication of changes of social background in politics and economies. Basing on “Ziti Chronicles (Ziti Cun Zhi)” and “Chitchat on Ziti (Xianhua Ziti Cun Zhi)” which are written in Qing dynasty, the author analyses the evolution of historical toponym, and tries to draw a picture on the fracture and rebuild of social memory and local history in the country under the background of urbanization.



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