首页> 中文期刊> 《化工进展》 >吸附法脱除柴油中噻吩类含硫化合物的研究进展




This paper reviewed the latest developments of commonly used adsorbents,mechanisms of adsorptive desulfurization and adsorption kinetics studies from diesel fuel. Molecular sieve,activated carbon and metal organic frameworks (MOFs) materials have been widely studied. Although HDS can be used to produce low-sulfur diesel that meets the sulfur regulations,this process operates at high temperature and high hydrogen pressure,high cost and low removal rate of dibenzothiophene. The adsorption desulfurization technology has become a research hotpot of diesel desulfurization because of its low cost,moderate operating conditions. easy removal of tough sulfide,and little impact on oil quality. Adsorption desulfurization consists of reactive adsorption desulfurization and non-reactive adsorption desulfurization. The key factor in the adsorption desulfurization reaction is breaking the old bond while generating the new bond. Non-reactive adsorption desulfurization applies dispersion force between the sulfur atoms and sulfur sorbent interactions,to achieve the effect of adsorption desulfurization.%综述了吸附法脱除柴油中噻吩类含硫化合物的常用吸附剂、吸附脱硫的机理及吸附脱硫过程动力学研究的最新进展。阐述了近来研究较多的吸附剂主要有分子筛、活性炭和金属有机骨架(MOFs)材料。目前传统的加氢脱硫(HDS)技术虽然可以满足当前柴油中硫含量的国家标准,但是其需要高温高压、成本高且对二苯并噻吩类硫化物脱硫率低,而吸附脱硫技术由于成本低、操作条件温和、易脱除加氢脱硫难以脱除的硫化物、对油品品质影响小等优点成为当前柴油脱硫的研究热点。吸附脱硫主要包括反应型吸附脱硫和非反应型吸附脱硫,反应吸附脱硫关键是有旧键的断裂与新键的生成,而非反应吸附脱硫则是通过分散力使硫化物上的硫原子与吸附剂之间相互作用,从而达到吸附脱硫的作用。本文对吸附脱硫机理和吸附脱硫过程的动力学加以讨论,为以后的研究提供一定的理论基础,并提出了脱硫吸附剂今后的研究方向。



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