首页> 中文期刊>魅力中国 >以党史教育创新大学生红色教育实践教学模式--以信阳师院历史学院党史教育为例




Red education is the important grasper of the ideological and political education for col ege student,History of the Chinese Communist Party is undoubtedly red education resources. So strengthen the Party history education and ring col ege students red education theme become the main contents and forms of col ege students Ideological and political education. History and culture institute of Xinyang Normal University is combining professional characteristics,mining local history of the Chinese Communist Party resources,relying on the characteristics of campus culture activity,creating a new form of history of the Chinese Communist Party education,enhancing the ef ectiveness of history of the Chinese Communist Party education col ege.%  红色教育是对大学生进行思想政治教育的重要抓手,党史无疑是红色教育的重要资源。因此,加强党史教育,唱响大学生红色教育主旋律成为大学生思想政治教育的主要内容和形式。信阳师院历史学院结合专业特点,挖掘地方党史资源,依托特色校园文化活动,创造了党史教育的新形式,增强了大学生党史教育的实效性。



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