祥禽瑞兽纹样是传统吉祥纹样中的一个范畴,饱含吉利,祥和,幸福,美满的寓意,在历代的陶瓷,木雕,家具,服饰领域中得到广泛的运用,并在现代设计中得到不断的延续。现代陶瓷首饰设计在我国刚刚起步,并以自身的特性受到人们的喜爱,具有广阔的发展前景。本文以祥禽瑞兽中最常见的龙纹,凤纹,狮子纹,蝴蝶纹,鱼纹为例,论叙了蕴含吉祥寓意的祥禽瑞兽纹样在现代陶瓷首饰中的运用。%Chinese traditional patterns means lucky, peace, happiness and perfection. They are used widely in the fields of ceramics, wood carver, furnture and clothing. And they have been developed in the field of modern design. The modern designs of ceramics and jewelary have just started in our country. They are provided with vast potential for future development, and people love them very much. This essay sets an example of the patterns of dragn, phoenix, lion,buttery and fish to discuss the application of Chinese traditional patterns in modern designs of ceramics and jewelary.